Militaria Archive

Poland, France, Romania & Russian Front WH album

Poland, France, Romania & Russian Front Wehrmacht album. This 274 picture Album covers one man on his wartime jouney into France (Nancy, Nantes & Strasbourg) Poland and then into Romania and Russia. Featuring many vehicles, motorcycles, staff cars, trucks, Raupenschlepper Ost (Steyr RSO), early panzer mockups/armoured cars as well as a Russian front Tiger tank picture. Covering day to day life in France including an officer inspection/ceremony in Nancy, a civilian funeral in romania (featuring a wehrmacht soldier participating in the funeral band). Field guns and artillery exercises and movements, land trains and movement by train into Russia. Deutsche Rote Kreuz in France. Marching in occuppied france and a road accident involving an overturned heavy truck. Laughing and dancing with the russians civilians as well as helping farmers. Also pictures of field graves amid grazing cows and one of a burning Russian cottage. Features photographs of Wehrmacht field testing a captured Karabing przeciwpancerny wzór 35 (kb ppanc wz. 35 or anti-tank rifle, model 35. A Polish 7.92 mm anti-tank rifle used in small numbers by the Polish Army during the September 1939 invasion of Poland & also at least once in ghetto uprisings. Code name, kb Urugwaj (kb Ur) & renamed by the Wehrmacht the Panzerbüchse 35 (polnisch) (PzB 35(p)).

Wehrmacht in Nancy, France 1941